I loved my Ethics course that is not longer offered for obvious brainwashing reasons . . . by the University . . . I hear that, professor Cahill, was devastated. He woke up a large group of students during my degree in the Telecommunication, Multi-Media and Applied Computing. I will never forget Luke demonstrating Data Mining in 2002 with a phone book and a power drill where he drilled into the book to demonstrate how data mining is done. . . priceless times that live on in my memory. My final paper for Ethics was Information Warfare . . . This video is mind blowing to see how far and where we are going with technology in an unethical manner. I need to expose what I see in my experience as sinister! Enjoy the video and original documentation from NASA. Resources: archive.org/details/FutureStrategicIssuesFutureWarfareCirca2025 www.truthstreammedia.com and stopthecrime.net
The Report from Iron Mountain - The Playbook from 1967
. . . . Forward from Report From Iron Mountain
I should state, for the record, that I do not share the attitudes toward war and peace, life and death, and survival of the species manifested in the Report. Few readers will. In human terms, it is an outrageous document. But it does represent a serious and challenging effort to define an enormous problem. And it explains, or certainly appears to explain, aspects of American policy otherwise incomprehensible by the ordinary standards of common sense. What we may think of these explanations is something else, but it seems to me that we are entitled to know not only what they are but whose they are. By "whose" I don't mean merely the names of the authors of the Report. Much more important, we have a right to know to what extent their assumptions of social necessity are shared by the decision-makers in our government. Which do they accept and which do they reject? However disturbing the answers, only full and frank discussion offers any conceivable hope of solving the problems raised by the Special Study Group in their Report from Iron Mountain. L.C.L. New York June 1967 |
Archbishop Viganò - TRUTH
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October 9, 2020 350am Central time