Move - Meditate - Manifest
MOVE your body. Somatic work can help to release stuck areas of your life through the body. I invite you to be intentional with your movement practice and life.
Yoga for all, tune in on Instagram @jennyperspective or visit site to dig deeper Meditate
MEDITATE still your busy mind. Spiritual practice takes effort and desire to attain enlightenment through stillness.
Take the time for a mental check in with yourself. A nice tool to use to help you is H.A.L.T. Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired . . . Take care to check in and make necessary adjustments to support your best. Try Chanting . . . Manifest
MANIFEST be an actor in your life not a reactor. Make it real through vision, support and guidance.
Be the captain of your ship. Get to know you and fulfill your spirit. Then get support to make your wishes come true. To edit, click on the text to start adding your own words. Sockit TO THEM . . . . Own YOUR MOJO!
You have got your MOJO to tend, remember every time you put your socks on that YOU are the BOSS of your special sauce! ;-)
Online Teaching & LearningLet's develop your course content and publish so you can start coaching and teaching, NOW!
I have nothing but praise for Jenny and the amazing work she did at Stanbridge Academy. She came in and completely revolutionized our technology department by creating a state-of-the-art computer lab equipped with everything a school needs. Jenny has many great ideas and the energy to execute them all well. She is definitely an expert in this field and has done much more for Stanbridge Academy than any of us could have believed was possible. Simply put, Jenny is awesome. ~Gordon Matassa, Educator and Urban Forestry Grant Coordinator at City of Oakland
Calendar a free 30 min.